ANT Neuro Understanding the Potential of High-Density EEG link Meet the Researcher Prof. Micah M. Murray is a cognitive neuroscientist and a thought leader in neuroimaging methods, event related potentials (ERPs) and multisensory processes. As of August 2021... eego high density waveguard
ANT Neuro The AI-STROKE project: From dry EEG data to a robust prehospital stroke triage method The AI-STROKE project brings together a multi-disciplinary research team from the Neurology, Biomedical Engineering and Physics; as well as the Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Departments of Amsterdam ... eego stroke touch waveguard
ANT Neuro MoBI: Enabling the investigation of architectural affordance with virtual reality In this showcase, we highlight what how architectural differences in our surroundings impactour well-being and mental state. The research is led by Dr. Zakaria Djebbaraand his team at Aalborg Universi... eego original sports waveguard
ANT Neuro The eego™ sports project showcase: Effects of partially automated driving on the development of driver sleepiness Prof. Dr. Christer Ahlströmand his colleagues aim at investigating the physiological mechanisms related to driver sleepiness. This study investigates whether partially automated driving affects driver... eego original sports waveguard
ANT Neuro The EEG@Home project: Independent physiological measurements of epilepsy patients from the comfort of their own homes The EEG@Home procedure aims to investigate the reliability and feasibility of frequent physiological measurements performed by epilepsy patients independently, from the comfort of their own homes. Dat... 8 eeg eego sports touch waveguard
ANT Neuro Investigating the impact of auditory navigation instructions upon incidental spatial learning in pedestrians Smartphones have become a standard utensil in the vast majority of everyone’s daily life. Importantly, it has become rather customary to employ smartphones when having to navigate within novel environ... eeg eego original sports waveguard
ANT Neuro Team BrainFly: taking eego™ to a higher ground Team Brainfly participated in the Fly Your Thesis! 2017 Programme organized by theinternationally renowned tertiary unit of the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Education Office,ESA Academy.The team cons... eeg eego original sports waveguard
ANT Neuro EEG hyperscanning: Enabling the investigation of peak performance and high-performing teams Dr Filho, how would you summarize the value that your research brings into the domain of sports psychology? I study high-performing individuals and teams. I think it is important to study both individ... eego hyperscanning mylab original sports
ANT Neuro The ANNOTem project: Using teleneurology and dry EEG to improve neurological care Patients with acute neurological damage (e.g., through suffering a stroke, during statusepilepticus) require immediate treatment in order to minimize future neurological impairments(Saver, 2006). This... eeg eego mylab stroke touch waveguard
ANT Neuro The relation between self-paced exercise performance and EEG activity: Influence of hot and hypoxic conditions Heat stress and acute hypoxic exposure are known to negatively influence endurance performance during exercise (Bergeson, 2014; Nielsen, Hales, Strange, Christensen, Warberg & Saltin, 1993; Santos-Con... eeg eego original sports waveguard
ANT Neuro Monitoring rugby players’ cognitive performance using dry EEG electrodes Dr. Brian Murphy from Belfast-based start-up BrainWaveBank Ltd. is currently working on a neuro-monitoring project together with Ulster Rugby, a professional rugby club based in Belfast. Ulster Rugby,... 8 eego touch waveguard
ANT Neuro Comparison of waveguard touch dry electrodes to conventional gelled electrodes on physiological paradigms Introduction Professor David Liley and Dr. Levin Kuhlmann from the Centre for Human Psychopharmacology at Swinburne University of Technology have been working on combining MEG and EEG recordings to op... eeg eego mylab touch waveguard