asa 4.9.3
New features
* Display filter and filter feature: User can now choose between a Forward Filter (IIR, no delay) and a
* Zero Phase filter (FFT, no phase shift).
* Added support for reading INT_32 and UINT_32 binary brain vision files
* Updated Deltamed Coherence eeg importer. Can now read Deltamed Coherence version 5 files. Compatibility with old Deltamed Coherence files is given.
* Xltek importer to be able to read raw eeg data with Header Schema bigger than 8
* Calculate EEG cnt export chunk length dynamically for optimal trade-off between memory consumption and speed
* Speed up in trigger handling. Results e.g. in faster export of EEG files.
* Removed the limitations on trigger handling. Now asa can handle more than 10,000 triggers.
* R-peak detection: allow the name of the ECG channel to be either ECG or EKG (case insensitive)
* Slightly reworked application options dialog. Avoid misleading category names. Renamed category "EEG Import" -> "EEG Folder". Split category "CNT Export Settings" into "Signal Processing" and "EEG File Format".
*asa trial license extended to 90 days
Bug fixes
* Jump at the boundaries of chunks after applying FFT filter
* After applying coherence feature, view is empty
* 3D voltage and frequency maps are not working
* Segmentation thresholding buggy for signed voxel images > 8bit
* Segmentation 'undo operation' shows no effect
* Grand averaging overwrites existing .avr files in the same working directory without warning 2474 crash when filtering CNT with many segments
* MRI slice count for axial, sagittal and coronal might be mixed up with each other
* Fixed hard upper boundary of 128 Hz when calculating wavelet transformations. The highest possible value a user can enter is now ½ of the current sampling rate.
* EDF exporter problems
* No error message if import data has been moved or deleted
* BrainVision BinaryFormat header not recognized when lower case IEEE_Float_32 is used
* Impedance event appears in wrong segment
* Event labels not visible in 2d view and epoch event list view
* Print / Print preview crash
* ASCII output used wrong data unit sometimes
* Crash when re-enabling channels in mapping views
* Two datasets: Headmodel is only displayed in first subview
* Broken band pass / band stop filters
* Neuroscan export
* Crash when exporting to ASCII
* Event description are missing the fraction parts (ms)
* Inverse Solution Scale Bug && Data display problems
* No impedance marker in the output
* Scalebar label in frequency views showed wrong text
* Export and reimport of brainvision files results in off by one error in sampling rate (2k Hz)
* Overwrite existing file: "No" is ignored
* Wavelet transformation faulty
* Toolbar selection not correct for Montages and Frequency Bands
* Impedance event not visible in EEG offline display
* Problems reading Read Stellate Harmonie data
* Combination of multiple view orientations and single frequency band results in crash
* In 3d voltage view add handling of datasets with just a head model
* In eeprobe cnt export write out segments start date and fraction with maximum precision of a double. This makes the segment start date * * consistent with time stamps used in the evt file for events crashes after selection of a bipolar channel as reference channel for the coherence feature
* Status field for EEG information in status bar is to small crashes when copying a channel
* Notch filter status is not visible in the menu bar Deleting/Cutting entries in history tree results in crash Status bar visibility.
* Events can be copied from list view
* Fix the columns name in the event list
* Crash in the CDSA view
* Fixed bug which displayed numbers instead of text in installer module page.
* Fixed display for cnt files with names containing parentheses
* Corrected colouring for multiple EEG/MEG data sets
* Corrected sensitivity in spectrum view for channels with different units
* Corrected scaling in spectrum view for band comparison mode
* In spectrum view changed display of scaling values smaller 0.009 from “0.00” to scientific notation
* Fixed crash in list view
* Fixed bug which prevented visibility of newly created event marker
* Fixed optional and default attribute handling in COM interface
* Removed contour plot option from CDSA view to prevent freezing when displaying large amount of data
* Fixed crash when pressing cancel in event marker and epoch marker dialogs
* Some MFC system strings on GUI were overwritten by asa domain strings
Known problems
* Spectrum display Density [Unit/Hz] view not working
* Sometimes Neuromag file could not be loaded. Workaround: try again.
* If the filter for tmsi data files is selected in study manager, asa might crash
* Wrong label in tooltip in spectrum view, showing µV²/Hz instead of µV² for power spectrum
* Sensitivity toolbar dropdown not working in case of dual units
* IIR filtering (forward filter) doesn't damp frequencies outside the pass frequency range as much as theoretically predicted
* Cannot escape from set marker feature via ESC anymore
* Baseline Correction faulty after loading standard headmodel and electrode data
* Change view after Print preview leads to crash spectrum/freq. view: Montage selection jumps back to Review (d)
* For moving dipoles, when disabling paths, dipoles disappear altogether
* Wrong display of latencies when 2 EEG data files loaded
* Crash opening an asa study containing dipoles
asa 4.8.1
Bug fixes
* Save and load a study containing artefact detection feature
asa 4.8.0
New features
* Updated user manual and online help
* Coherence view properties: threshold freely adjustable to 3 decimal digits
* Enhanced license handling
* Case study data now installed in all users directory: Can be used without changing the permissions of the directory.
* Made all options in installer checked by default. Improved ASA installer
* Removal of image markers implemented
* Default directory for all user data is now My Documents
* Windows 7 32 bit support added
* Single channel coherence implemented. Mapping the coherence of one channel to many channels on head's surface.
* Changed method for on-the-fly filters from IIR to FFT. Phase of the data will not be shifted by filtering any longer.
* Artefact detection based on sophisticated data properties (first and second derivatives)
* Spectral data is exported in scientific notation
* Speed up in channel interpolation by option to consider only neighbouring channels in calculation.
* Speed up in spectrum view by rendering only visible channels
* When reading LORETA and sLORETA data, dipoles at local maxima are activated, others remain inactive.
* Additional rendering properties for TMS response objects added
* Experiment Manager: Added possibility to import .eeg files
* Experiment Manager: Made AddFFTEpochs also work for event markers
* Added Compumedics (Neuroscan 32 bit) importer
Bug fixes
* Fixed bug in executing the sLoreta feature
* Fixed bug in Grand averaging when working with a new montage
* Fixed bug in the Analyze export
* Fix the columns name in the event list
* Update from ASA4.7 to ASA4.8 (toolbars, periodic update feature)
* Crash reading special DICOM images
* Crash in the CDSA view
* Fixed time offset in the compumedics importer
* Added warning in case data doesn't fit EDF sample size restriction (16 bit)
* User is informed in case no recording license is not available at the start of a recording
* Fixed bug which displayed numbers instead of text in installer module page. Fixed bug concerning wrong display of MRI brightness.
* Fix of MRI slice manipulator after dragging anything into view
* Fixed artefact rejection in coherence feature
* Segmentation: fixes in colour calculation and visibility
* Fixed cnt export problem
* Fixed monochrome flag in exported DICOM files
* Fixed display for cnt files with names containing parentheses
* Fixed problems in TMSi importer
* Fixed loading of ASA studies which used file version 144
* Corrected colouring for multiple EEG/MEG data sets
* Corrected sensitivity in spectrum view for channels with different units
* Corrected scaling in spectrum view for band comparison mode
* In spectrum view changed display of scaling values smaller 0.009 from “0.00†to scientific notation
* Fixed crash in list view
* Coordinate system handling re-implemented
* Fixed bug which prevented visibility of newly created event marker
* Fixed optional and default attribute handling in COM interface
* Removed contour plot option from CDSA view to prevent freezing when displaying large amount of data
* Enabled trigger information in Valor Nervus importer
* Improved memory management in ASCII exporter
* Crash in GOTO MRI coordinate dialog with Talaraich system and DICOM file
* Prevented corrupt files caused by VBS scripts during recording
* Changed tutorial link to correct location
* Fixed crash when pressing cancel in event marker and epoch marker dialogs
* Fixed nifti MRI import to include all possible data types and orientations
* Fixed bug in segmentation for signed MRI data with more than eight bits
* Experiment manager: Fixed several bugs in detrending
* Experiment Manager: Fixed error in detrending (swapped arguments) Experiment Manager: In configuring averates more conditions can now be used
* Experiment Manager: Added label parameter to AddFftEpochs
* Experiment Manager: Fixed bug in calculating mean amplitude in peak scoring
* Experiment Manager: Fixed broken treeview on Windows 7
* Experiment Manager: Fixed problem when setting montage in artefact detection
New Features:
* FFT transformation is able to use block lengths up to 120 seconds.
* New Telefactor format is supported
* Valor / Nervus importer
* Offline motor mapping algorithm improved. A flag "positive correlation" distinguishes between fixed-stimulation- and fixed-MEP experimental designs. A cuttoff factor f for efield values smaller than f*E_max reduces artefacts in the map.
Bug fixes:
* Support of montages with Rate_Coefficient 0 in Micromed importer.
* Sampling frequencies are rounded to ints in the Brainvision importer to support.
* Trigger latency is now correct in the Neuroscan exporter.
* Fixed bug in DICOM importer.
* Removed number of trigger limitation in the Schwarzer EEG importer.
* electric field calculation for TMS
* offline motor mapping
* import old TMS sessions
* Fixed crash on ERD / ERS feature dialog (prevent zero sample intervals)
* Removed beep when creating a new study
* Several fixes in Spectrum view
* Fixed crash when editing of artefact feature
* Fixed crash when executing R-peak detection
* Fixed error in export of MRI in Talairach coordinate system to Analyze format
* Some Nifti file weren't readable.
* Configuration for dual installation (acquisition and stimulation PC) was fixed.
* Several fixes in the Spectrum view and the 3D FFT map view.
* Measurements with blank first page are now correctly displayed.
* Neuroscan importer / exporter.
* Telefactor TUFF importer.
asa 4.7.0
New Features:
* Disabled Visor option in the installer. Visor will get its own installer.
* Improved uninstall process, minor registry changes
* "Unit" is translated to "uV" when read from .cnt file
* Snap to MRI slices
* Added possibility to delete coils
* Added message box querying user to continue with head shape fit after head shape points have been generated
* Adapted image marker setting COM function to set image markers at current crosshair position
* Added "Refresh" button to Talairach goto-dialog
* Talairach goto-dialog shows x,y,z instead of Sagittal, Coronal, Axial
* Talairach MRI display for easy navigation to Talairach coordinates
* Motor Mapping
* R-Peak Detection
* Multiple Acquisition
* Offline E-Field Review
* Location Picking on Curvilinear Brain Surface
* Head Shape Tracking with automatic Coordinate System Correction
* Installer automatically adjusts view layouts, depending on whether or not Visor components are selected
* New Installer: Introduced new installer which dynamically loads additional data on request
* New Installer: Installer now supports silent install
* Montage Files: Extended installation so that montages for all supported caps are provided
* Documentation: New ASA manual and sample data is added
Bug fixes:
* EEG and MRI toolbars are visible by default after fresh installation.
* Fixes in wrong serialization method
* Fixed crash caused by CDSA and list views if a head model or MRI was loaded without EEG
* Implemented missing shading on stimulus markers
* Image markers can now be deleted using the DEL button without causing a crash
* Calculation artefacts (sharp spikes when using filters while recording) removed
* Scaling problem in 3D frequency view fixed
* Fixed crash when parsing MSR files
* E-field mapping now shows correct units
* Software not any longer ignores electrode positions loaded before acquisition
* Filtering is not any longer executed on pre-filtered data using settings from toolbar
* Reaction time example script shows correct number of trigger/response pairs
* Talairach positive x is now always towards right ear, independent of local coordinate system
* Fixed reading error for old studies
* Fixed marker error in MicroMed exporter
* Set frequency of rTMS to infinity if stimulus length is zero
* Fixed filtering artefacts in single trial extraction
* Rendering: Improved thresholds handling for 3D mapping
* MEG Data: Application crashed after reading MEG data and head model
* Rendering: Under certain circumstances rendering accessed non-valid, switched off channels from montage
* Fixed crash when parsing .msr files
* Difference Feature: Feature is now able to handle previously created mean results as input
Build 14-October-2008
Bug fixes:
* Difference Feature: Feature is now able to handle previously created mean results as input
Build 09-October-2008
Bug fixes:
* Multiple Averages: Having multiple averages with same condition label caused wrong event display
* Multiple Inputs: Incorrect averaging of several cnt files (problems with conditions)
Bug fixes:
* Artefact Markers: Setting of artefact markers could result in crash of application
* Visor Functionality: Could not switch on display of maximum value for E-Field
* Visor Functionality: Could not select item for targetting
Bug fixes:
* Blue Screen: Resolved problem which under certain circumstances could produce a blue screen when drawing lines through Windows API
* View Layout Matching: When working with multiple data items the view layouts could have been in wrong order
* Channel Selection: Resolved a problem which could crash the application when selecting some channel
* Update Rate Settings: Changed update rates so that values best match EEG recordings
New Features:
* Filters now use Butterworth filters (previous implementation using FFT filter with cosine windowing)
* New Spike detection feature
* New Seizure detection feature
* New Artifact Correction feature (e.g., for EOG correction)
* EEG/MEG View: multiple events can be inserted by a single click on the EEG Toolbar button
* Dongle Licensing: improved handling of dongle licensing (CodeMeter dongle)
* New BioSemi EEG file importer
* Micromed EEG file importer: added trigger support
* Users have to be aware that the behavior of the new Butterworth filters may be different (but certainly improved) to the behavior of the previous FFT filters.
* On Windows Vista a standard user can only start ASA once it has been started once using the option "Run as Administrator".