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Multiplexed Performance Monitoring Signals in the EEG in Health and Mental Disorders

Multiplexed Performance Monitoring Signals in the EEG in Health and Mental Disorders

Event Date: 
Wednesday, March 6, 2024
Event Location: 
Online, Webinar

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Performance monitoring is essential for successful goal-directed behavior. This webinar will briefly introduce the neural correlates of performance monitoring in humans and then focus on feedback-related EEG dynamics. Multiple regression and multivariate pattern analysis revealed that the representations of reward prediction errors, learning rate, surprise and other variables guiding future decisions are multiplexed in the feedback-locked EEG. Furthermore, this webinar will present model-based analyses of data from patients with schizophrenia and major depressive disorder, respectively. Both groups show reduced learning rate dynamics impairing their learning performance in uncertain environments. These behavioral deficits are accompanied by specific changes in the feedback-locked EEG dynamics.

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